Safer Supplies
Support, not stigma.
HEP’s in-house SSP is open 4 days-a-week, Mon–Thu, 12:30–5:30 p.m. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be there to greet you, provide harm reduction supplies and information, offer resources and referrals, and answer any questions you might have.

Supplies and services we currently offer:
- Sterile syringes and safe disposal of used syringes
- Injectable naloxone and naloxone nasal spray (Narcan)
- Other infectious disease prevention supplies such as alcohol pads, gauze, bandages, and safer sex supplies
- Essentials like water, clothing, and hygiene supplies as available
- Safer use consultation and overdose prevention education
Drug Checking
Free, anonymous.
We currently offer drug checking as a drop-off service, where you can drop off a small sample during HEP’s open hours and have results relayed back to you within the span of a week.
Using a special machine called a spectrometer, we’re able to test drug samples to see what’s actually in them. It detects things like fentanyl, xylazine, and other common cuts, and all it takes is a sample the size of a grain of rice.
This is a free, anonymous service — we will not collect your information.

Community Outreach
We can meet you where you are.
HEP’s Prevention & Outreach Program team provides weekly street-based outreach to encampments across Seattle. We also have a growing number of partnerships with local organizations where our staff regularly visit their sites to provide rapid hepatitis C testing and education about viral hepatitis.
If you’re an organization interested in partnering with HEP, drop us a line here. If you’re a mutual aid group interested in receiving supplies from HEP and distributing them in community, check out our request form here.